Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Miles Davis: Unassuming Badass

"Don't Play What's There,
Play What's Not There"

"For Me, Music and Life are all
about style"

-Miles Davis

I have an older sister who had a "Kind of Blue" CD for a music class.  I'm assuming it was for a class because she listened to 10,000 Maniacs and Indigo Girls and a lot of acoustic singer/songwriter stuff.  Don't worry, I know what you're thinking, and she's happily married with a new baby boy. The Ani DiFranco didn't rub off.  Anyways I stole the CD from her and listened to it when I was 14.  Glad I did, because I probably haven't listened to any singular album, in it's entirety, more than "Kind of Blue".  It's awesome. Here it is:

So What
Freddie Freeloader
Blue In Green
All Blues
Flamenco Sketches
Flamenco Sketchs (Alternate Take)

P.s. To my sister:  I lost the CD, but can burn or email you a copy if you've been looking for it. Sorry, Jack, but thanks :)

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