Friday, July 8, 2011

Music in my day...

I woke up to a massive thunderstorm this morning. Haven't seen/felt one like it in a while. It gave me some time to catch up on my music. I threw up a link on twitter to some great stuff: click here.

So in the midst of downloading, listening, organizing, reorganizing playlists, and syncing the iPhone 4 more times than was necessary, I started thinking.  Yeah, scary thought, I know.

At what point do you become the person you feared, i.e. the aging-hipster who constantly says, "music today sucks!" or "why the hell is this shit popular, there's no talent?!" etc?  I listen to some new stuff, but not too much.  Actually, it's just new albums by artists I discovered years ago (strokes, interpol, tv on the radio).  But instead of claiming there isn't anything out there, I had a new theory on musical taste in relation to one's age.

At some point we get lazy. Some people just don't care and listen to terrestrial radio and are content in their adult-contemporary saturated lives. I could write endless blogs on how I can't fathom people who don't love music. I feel like everything has a soundtrack. Anyways, we get content in our taste at some point between the late teens and mid-twenties and instead of discovering newer artists, we start to look back and listen to the acts that influenced the artist we originally enjoyed.
'You don't know me, but I'm your

So, inevitably, we get to a point where we just dismiss new music because we don't have time to get into it.  It's easier to just claim it's terrible.

It definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that everything today is overly-produced, can't be performed live, has no melodic qualities, is done on a computer, is decided by suits looking for the next american idol, and has a budget dumped into marketing more than anything else.

Nah, that can't be it. I'm just getting old.

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