Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let it Flow...

Just lay off the highlights,
gold stud earring, & lipstick
in "A-Rod Fuschia" hue. Wait!
KD Lang?
I'm pretty much full Irish, but I have what my friends so kindly refer to as the Jew-Fro. Whatever. They're just jealous because they have regular hair. Chicks dig curly hair, and if I wanted to hook-up with a jewish chick, I'd have an instant in (la heim!). Pass the bagel pon the left hand side...

Once I decided to rock my coif, not hide my locks under the guise of a shitty fade, I learned a valuable lesson that applies to all dudes.

 If you want your hair to look consistent, keep yourself on-schedule. Get a haircut every 3.5 weeks, or about half a week to a week before you think you need one. You'll know your spacing after the second visit to your barber/stylist/gay-friend-who-cuts-your-hair. Once you find someone who does it right, stick with them too.

"You might be a
redneck if..."
So schedule your next cut when you're paying for the one you just got. If you don't go to that type of place, set a date in your phone while you're sitting in the chair. Just don't be the guy who considers this ->

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