Not the actual Jane and Robert
HuffingtonPost - A headline two years ago grabbed my attention and probably a few others': Being Fat Ended My Marriage. In the Ladies Home Journal article, the author, "Jane," detailed how she put on 40 pounds after childbirth and was never quite able to shed them. Her husband, "Robert," withdrew emotionally and physically and after two years of counseling and a few separations, they divorced. Of course, after the divorce, Jane lost most of those 40 pounds -- and promptly found a new husband. Click the intro link for full story.
I don't how I feel about this story. You get married in sickness and in health, but if Jane put on 40 and then dropped them right after the divorce, that kind of pisses me off if I'm Robert because it means she could've done it while we were together. Bottom-line is, if you're spouse fattens up, do you leave? Or do you develop a pre-nup for weight gain, which is starting overseas? People continue to mystify me.
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