Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#Occupy the Right Place

USA Today – With some of its urban encampments closed by police and others under siege, the Occupy movement says it's opening a new front in its battle against big banks by moving poor people into empty, bank-owned foreclosed homes. The group staged what it termed "a national day of action" Tuesday to fight fraudulent lending practices and "illegal evictions by banks" — the institutions Occupiers blame for the nation's economic predicament. The group said its Occupy Our Homes effort also would try to disrupt auctions at which foreclosed properties are sold. [click link @ beginning for full story]

I'm fully support civil disobedience. It is one of the many liberties that make America a great country. It proved to be catalyst in the 1960's counter-culture movement. The "Occupy" protests are nothing like the well-planned, well organized, and, ironically, educated laden 1960's demonstrations; quite the opposite.
I walked around the Wall Street demonstration about a month ago and was unimpressed. Everybody occupying Wall Street had a different agenda: Fuck the 1%, Banks are evil, 9/11 was an inside job by the government, I have a bachelors degree and no job! They're bitching about the 1%, even thought they're being led by it. Watch [at least] the first five minutes of this, especially 2:30-5-minute mark: 

These people are in the wrong place! Civil Disobediance is a medium for change without being violent. What are people accomplishing by walking around and yelling at people going to work in various cities? Go to Washington, D.C.! Occupy the government lawns and buildings. Force the elected officials to hear your plight. Try to present it in an organized fashion.

Now we have Occupy Our Homes in which these people are illegally squatting in abandon buildings and claiming it's just because "they [banks] illegally took our homes". In the song, Like a Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan said, "when you ain't go nothin', you got nothin' to lose." Tasha Glasgow has to protect her kids and will do anything to survive. That kind of desperation breeds a mentality that hopefully none of us will ever have to feel. That's the compassionate side of my brain.

The logical side says that a bank loan is an agreement between two parties. I am not denying that there are predatory lenders, however it is up to us as responsible members of society to do our due diligence. That means not agreeing to bad terms on a bank loan. It means fiscal responsibility from everyone. It starts with you. The article mentions that Tasha Glasgow floods the apartment downstairs every time she turns on the water [that she isn't paying for]. How is someone supposed to buy that building in the future when the great occupy revolution occurs? Will Tasha repair the flood damage and mold on the first floor when someone gives her the money she's entitled to?

I'm not against the occupy movement per se, I'm against the place they're occupying. With Winter coming, I think it's time to head south and plant the tent poles in some green D.C. grass. And when the frost comes, occupy those buildings of your local congressmen.

Here's another interesting take. It is not safe for work [NSFW], but contains some great points. It'll probably make you laugh too.

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