Friday, July 22, 2011

Shut Up! Double Standards and Whores.

Gather-  Elin Nordegren, long-suffering ex of philandering golf legend, Tiger Woods, has reportedly laid down the law to her billionaire boyfriend, Jamie Dingman. The gorgeous Swedish blonde refuses to have sex with Dingman until she can be "sure of his intentions." Whatever that means. And, believe it or not, Dingman has agreed to it. 

"Long-suffering" Elin?  Bullshit!  You are the daughter of swedish diplomats.  You were a part-time model turned 'nanny' for PGA Tour Players before catching Tiger with your tail. You got the biggest settlement amount in the history of sports/celebrity with a rumored $750 million dollars.

Now you're dating Jamie Dingman, a big-swingin' New York dick.  Guy plays in the market for his dad's firm and you're going to show him who's boss? You go girl!

When Gold-Diggers Collide:
Wait, wait, wait.  This just in:  Mr. Dingman dated Rachel Uchitel before Elin?  The same Rachel Uchitel Tiger was cheating with behind the "Long Suffering" Ms. Nordegren's back? The same Uchitel that swindled Tiger out of a cool $10 million?  Then had to repay him all the money because she violated a confidentiality clause? Wow. My head is about to explode like little Tiger!

Long suffering?  You know what I say to that? I say, hey look, hun, tell me you don't like my firm, tell me you don't like my idea, tell me you don't like my fuckin neck tie, but don't tell me aren't "whoring out for money" type just like Rachel Uchitel. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote: 
"Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft, where we are hard, cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand."  
Elin, don't tell us you're not giving it up because "you're not sure of his intentions".  I'm not sure about yours!  Why subject yourself to being Rachel's sloppy seconds again? You have $750 mill and no brain. Congratulations.  

And Tiger sucks at golf now, which kind of sucks for golf. I'm not advocating any of his actions in this post either, girls, before you get angry :)  But neither Elin nor Rachel can do this:

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