Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tis the Season

Tough week for me as a Boston sports fan. Doc Rivers leaves the most historic basketball franchise to work for Donald Sterling, the Bruins choke away the Stanley Cup in less than a minute, and the Patriots' most ubiqutious offensive player looks like a homicidal maniac. I never thought John Lackey would be the highlight of my sports week (matched his career-high 12 Ks last night).

Beyond the aforementioned, the beginning of Summer marks the end of various sports coverage. I know, ESPN gave up on varied coverage years ago, but you get the gist: baseball, golf, and tennis is all we got.

The good news is you should be outside either enjoying the 8-weeks-of-perfection or trying/learning something new. Put the ball game on outside on the radio while your grilling for guests, work on lowering your handicap, or get in shape with someone on the tennis court. You're outside, learning something new, getting/staying in shape, being social, and the authentic tan is always a good look.