Alec Baldwin got a Best Supporting Actor nomination for these seven and half minutes. He deserved the whole effing award. I watch this video for many reasons: it inspires me, it makes me laugh, and it reinforces how thankful I am to not be hawking something or someone.
The point is that sales is a tough racket (upends drink gesture) because anyone who can keep their sanity and perspective in such a bullshit environment deserves a medal. It's an environment based on insecurity, both inside and outside the team. There's always a constant pitching of everything to anyone who will listen (i.e. money, lifestyles, dreams, and ironically, security). A materialistic undertone equates branding to success. Never mind individual style, you should be a human billboard for Gucci, Versace, D&G, Armani, YSL, etc. If you're not being associated with wealth, what are you associating yourself with?
Don't even think of questioning me if it doesn't pertain to business, either, because that's what we're all about here. In fact, don't even ask me a question if you're not ready for my answer and follow-up question [QAQ is a proven sales tactic used to keep one person in control of the conversation]. Any questions?
Whoa, whoa, whoa where are you going? We were about to give you your own team! You've really been demonstrating management qualities lately, so to leave now would be a waste of all that hard work you've put in. You weren't as successful before we gave you this opportunity. Remember what we talked about? The riches, the success, the security? This happens to everyone, just stick around until you close something else and that rush will come back.
You're a valuable asset to this company, primarily because your value is helping us acquire more assets, but what did I tell you about asking questions?