Monday, April 23, 2012

TLS Endorses: The Better iPhone Case

The iPhone is a thing of beauty; a digital swiss-army knife whose superior technology is only overshadowed by its sleek design.

So why do most people take the iPhone's best feature away by putting it in an otter box? You're not Bear Grylls, right?

With Summer approaching, here are two alternatives to keep your pockets happy while you shed layers (in style, obviously). Both are extremely slim and provide a nice, tacky grip so you don't drop your phone. If you don't drop your phone, you can drop the bulky box case.

J.Crew Leather iPhone Case $38:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jesus, Bunnies, and Family. Oh My!

Somewhere between a huge spread of food, Bubba Watson winning the Masters, more people in the house than ever before, and a few bottles of wine, it hit me; this is what it's all about. I don't ever remember Easter being a huge holiday, but this year it was really fun. With all the people in attendance at my parent's house, including my almost-two-year-old nephew bombing around, it was like Thanksgiving in the Spring. And to think I spent the first 18 years of my life trying to get away from these people! They make the holidays fun, especially when we're trying to figure out how Jesus' rising like the Phoenix Suns morphed into a bunny who shares common characteristics with pedophiles. Embrace your family. You're stuck with them, so make the best of it. 

For all the Jewish leisuralites out there, sorry you were stuck with the shank bone and matzoh, guess they're pissed about anything rising up over the weekend, huh? 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Oh. Do I have your attention now?

Alec Baldwin got a Best Supporting Actor nomination for these seven and half minutes. He deserved the whole effing award. I watch this video for many reasons: it inspires me, it makes me laugh, and it reinforces how thankful I am to not be hawking something or someone.

The point is that sales is a tough racket (upends drink gesture) because anyone who can keep their sanity and perspective in such a bullshit environment deserves a medal. It's an environment based on insecurity, both inside and outside the team. There's always a constant pitching of everything to anyone who will listen (i.e. money, lifestyles, dreams, and ironically, security). A materialistic undertone equates branding to success. Never mind individual style, you should be a human billboard for Gucci, Versace, D&G, Armani, YSL, etc. If you're not being associated with wealth, what are you associating yourself with? 

Don't even think of questioning me if it doesn't pertain to business, either, because that's what we're all about here. In fact, don't even ask me a question if you're not ready for my answer and follow-up question [QAQ is a proven sales tactic used to keep one person in control of the conversation]. Any questions? 

Whoa, whoa, whoa where are you going? We were about to give you your own team! You've really been demonstrating management qualities lately, so to leave now would be a waste of all that hard work you've put in. You weren't as successful before we gave you this opportunity. Remember what we talked about? The riches, the success, the security? This happens to everyone, just stick around until you close something else and that rush will come back. 

You're a valuable asset to this company, primarily because your value is helping us acquire more assets, but what did I tell you about asking questions?